Whether it is a defendant, a witness, a legatee, a distributee, even a client of yours, there are numerous situations where you need to locate somebody, or even something (like a private company). Sometimes you have an old, no longer current, address, and sometimes you don’t. In any case, in the vernacular of the trade, the process of ascertaining the current whereabouts of a person or company is called “skip tracing.”
The most important initial step in any such effort is to be sure of the identity of the person or company you are seeking to locate. No matter how unusual the name, no matter how unique that name may appear to you to be, I assure you that by all probability there are more than one to be found. And you do not want to find the wrong one.
With this in mind, you should take a look at all available sources of information you may have, including documents and the knowledge of your clients, regarding the person or company you are seeking to locate. Old addresses, old telephone numbers, past business affiliations, known family members, information as to any professional licenses, or the line of work or business your subject is or was in. That way, when we, or any capable investigator, begins the search, there are known facts that can be matched up with information that will be found on any of the many data sources which are searched in the effort to locate your subject.
Now, as far as actually locating your subject. If you care to make the effort to locate your subject on your own, you’ll quickly learn that Google alone won’t do it. And while there are hordes of “people finders” available on the Internet, you may very quickly learn that so many of these services promise much but deliver little. And you may find yourself spending money and expending your own time which could probably be put to better use.
There is a regular methodology to conducting these inquiries properly, assuring that the correct person or company is located. But it all starts with a correct and proper identification of a the subject. You help with that part. We’ll take care of the rest.
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